ROCKITPLAY reduces Friction-to-Play

Fast Start

Start playing games up to 200x faster while downloading

Fast Patch

Reduce patch sizes by up to 50% saving bandwidth and costs


Increase reading speed of HDD to greater than SSD speed

How does it work?

Based on real user behavior the system intelligently predicts required data blocks in order to start the game during download.


Fast Game Start
Up to 200x faster

Fast Patch
Save up to 50% costs

Dynamic Preload
Adapting to bandwidth

Any Game

Any Game Engine




No Game Source
Code Changes


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    ROCKITPLAY FastStart

    How does ROCKITPLAY FastStart work?

    ROCKITPLAY delivers data differently than a standard game download or file load. Instead of downloading files in an arbitrary sequence, ROCKITPLAY sequences data based on real user gameplay, so that the data blocks that are required in the first minutes of gameplay are delivered first. FastStart downloads can start a game with as little as 1% downloaded. ROCKITPLAY dynamically adjusts the time to start based upon the game and available user bandwidth.

    Is there a separate game installation procedure for FastStart games?

    No. With ROCKITPLAY, the game is being downloaded in data-sequenced order, so at the end you have a full, standard game install. Data remains sequenced even on your local drive, significantly improving game boot and loading time.

    What is ROCKITPLAY Dynamic Preload and how does it work?

    ROCKITPLAY intelligently adapts to any giving bandwidth, calculating the minimum amount of data needed to safely start gameplay. A gamer should never run out of content, so ROCKITPLAY sets a safe start time and dynamically loads any missing content over the network during gameplay. At high bandwidth, gameplay starts almost instantly.

    How does ROCKITPLAY sequence file data?

    On the server side, we use machine learning to optimally sequence the data chunks  comprising a full game image based on real user’s I/O telemetry during gameplay. The system is constantly learning – as more users play, the download is further optimized, allowing gamers to start even faster with highly optimized load sequences.

    Does ROCKITPLAY work for Free-to-Play games?

    Yes, FastStart is great for Free-to-Play, eliminating download dropouts by eliminating long download times – driving revenues and lowering the average user acquisition cost. FastStart reduces the time from ad click to game start from hours to seconds, so that gamers can enter the game with zero delay and start playing within minutes or seconds.

    What is ROCKITPLAY Staged Download?

    ROCKITPLAY Staged Download is able to deliver only a small part of the game to every user to conserve bandwidth. This unique capability makes it possible to deliver free to play games progressively, at a very low cost. Gamers who play more get more content delivered, eliminating data delivery waste. Deliver the full download only to active users, everyone else gets just enough to test.

    How does ROCKITPLAY perform in the real world?

    DACSLABS just completed a demonstration of ROCKITPLAY – its groundbreaking FastStart Cloud Engine, by delivering THQNordic’s playable teaser Gothic together with the game testing platform Antidote to users worldwide. With ROCKITPLAY, gamers can start a game with as little as 1% of the game downloaded, virtually eliminating friction-to-play. The findings were stunning – over 90% of participating gamers were very satisfied with ROCKITPLAY FastStart and would like to see a feature like FastStart implemented in their favorite game store. In addition, 76% shared they would rather buy a game with FastStart implemented than the same game without it. And 77% confirmed, they would try MORE games if these were available with FastStart.

    Does ROCKITPLAY work for open worlds and multiplayer games?

    Yes. Multiplayer games and open worlds can require larger pre-loads due to many paths users can take in the early phases of gameplay. However, even open-world games tend to have introductory experiences that allow the preload to get well ahead of the gameplay. ROCKITPLAY delivers a consistent gameplay experience and is able to dynamically load any missing data so that users have a great experience regardless of the path they take.

    How do I best start deploying games with ROCKITPLAY?

    Customers begin by offering FastStart on new titles and perform background ROCKITPLAY® installs – over time – for already installed, non-FastStart, titles. It is a title-by-title decision and does not require an irrevocable infrastructure change. Since ROCKITPLAY does not modify game builds it can be opt-in and opt-out at any time.

    Does ROCKITPLAY work with older games too?

    Yes, ROCKITPLAY can be applied to any game in binary form. The game itself does not need to be modified.

    Can ROCKIPLAY Run on a standard web infrastructure?

    Yes, the ROCKITPLAY Cloud Service is provided as a set of Docker images and can operate on any private or public cloud infrastructure. It can run on your infrastructure or we can host it for you, depending on your game delivery model.

    What operating systems/versions are supported?

    Currently we support Windows 10 64bit and are working to support Windows 11. The underlying technology can be ported to other platforms.

    ROCKITPLAY Fast Patch

    How does the ROCKITPLAY Fast Patch work?

    ROCKITPLAY provides block-level data delivery, applying state-of-the-art patch algorithms to deploy only the changed data. The resulting patches are very competitive with respect to their file size. ROCKITPLAY delivers game patches by sending only the blocks that have changed from the current game version to the patch version, which is often significantly less data than a traditional file-level patch. On average ROCKITPLAY Fast Patch creates 50% smaller patches. Sometimes the patches are significantly smaller, and sometimes somewhat bigger, depending on the nature of the update.

    Can we really save 50% on our patching costs?

    Yes, the actual resulting patch size depends on the nature of the game patch. A recent analysis of updates of various blockbuster games shows that our patch approach reduced patch size to 50% of the data normally required. Considering a cost of 1ct per GB and an install base of 500,000 PCs, saving just 10GB for one single patch would save $50,000 for a single patch.

    Evaluating ROCKITPLAY

    How can we get started with ROCKITPLAY?

    Within 48 hours DACSLABS is able to stand up a FastStart Service for your evaluation on your infrastructure or on the ROCKITPLAY cloud-based instance and low-latency CDN. Evaluating all ROCKITPLAY services is fast and simple with no integration required, and a gamer-ready launcher for end-user trials speeds evaluation and deployment. Moving from evaluation to launch simply requires integrating the ROCKITPLAY RTE into your existing launcher.

    What does the evaluation process look like?

    Evaluating ROCKITPLAY is simple and does not require any upfront integration. 

    Step 1: We will provide you with a FastStart game, so can experience the benefits just like your gamers will.
    Step 2: We will give you full access to our cloud platform so you can test all FastStart services. 

    Step 3: We will help you convert and deliver a FastStart game of your choice that you can easily deploy using the integrated ROCKITPLAY launcher.

    LIFT-OFF: You are all set to convert your game portfolio into click-to-play experiences.


    Can I run a public trial or PoC without prior integration?

    Yes, we will help you convert and deliver a FastStart game of your choice that you can easily deploy using the integrated ROCKITPLAY launcher or even your own existing launcher.

    Can I seamlessly move from testing to operation?

    Yes, all you need to do is integrate the ROCKITPLAY RTE into your existing launcher or you may take advantage of the integrated ROCKITPLAY launcher that is customizable to your needs.

    ROCKITPLAY and Cloud Gaming

    How is ROCKITPLAY different from cloud streaming?

    Cloud gaming delivers a video stream from a remote gaming server or PC. FastStart technology delivers the actual game, sequenced so that the game can start fast and run locally on the user’s PC “just like normal.” FastStart overcomes cloud gaming’s obstacles to deliver native visual quality, low latency and minimum bandwidth by maintaining local play and delivering an uncompromised, high resolution gaming experience.

    Can cloud gaming work with ROCKITPLAY FastStart?

    The network requirements of cloud gaming aren’t going away. Combining emerging cloud gaming services with ROCKITPLAY FastStart can help emerging games-as-a-service solutions to get traction by providing a local-play option. Games can start at speeds competitive with cloud gaming but be made available for local, offline gameplay. With a fraction of the game downloaded, that user can play while the rest of the download continues in the background. 


    Is ROCKITPLAY really faster than cloud streaming?

    We have tested ROCKIT client delivery against the most popular streaming platform in operations today: Playstation Now: @200Mbit/s MAFIA III starts in 19 seconds with ROCKITPLAY compared to 55 seconds on PS Now; Darksiders II in 6s compared to 42 seconds. The combination of intelligent sequencing and dynamic data requests are how ROCKITPLAY delivers start times competitive with streaming and an uncompromised experience which does not rely on high continuous bandwidth.